Here's another album I bought on a whim, not knowing anything about the band or the type of music they performed. I'm certain I bought this on a trip to Minneapolis in the early 90's or so and my only hint about the band's background judging by the CD back cover was that it was released on a label based in Minneapolis. I figured they must be a local band and I pretty much was buying anything from the Twin Cities circa mid-80's because of the amazing bands from this era (Husker, Mats, Soul Asylum, Run Westy Run, Magnolias etc.).
During my first listen of
All The Pancakes You Can Eat, I knew I made a good decision. Their sound fits in nicely with the above mentioned bands and they sounded not

unlike the Volcano Suns and maybe even the Minutemen. Catchy, gritty, and full of intensity, this probably isn't the best choice of background music for a romantic evening with your wife (...or whoever). I think it's an instant classic, at least it should be! I still don't know much about the band, but I did recently download their
Strawberry Enema cassette. Other than that, I don't know if they recorded much else. The expanded CD version of the vinyl record has 14 bonus tracks (from the original 16), so you definitely get your money's worth (probably another reason I was attracted to this CD).

Cool note: The cover photo of the CD features the band members sitting on what looks to be a large painting. What they are actually sitting on is 1000 white "blank" album jackets laid out together to create on large abstract painting created by the band. I'm guessing they squeezed, sprayed and rolled around in paint to create 1000 unique album covers each featuring 1/1000 of a original art piece (some examples I found online are pictured). Sounds like a really cool idea, I'm going to keep a lookout to buy one of these records if I can find one. Let me know if you've seen or own any.
BABY ASTRONAUTSAll The Pancakes You Can Eat...Plus Bacon (1986)1 Intro / I Hate This Song
2 Tricycle Hell
3 Set An Example
4 Underwater Pastor's Daughter
5 Grey Bosom Jut
6 Lost At Your Party
7 What's In The Fridge?
8 Lovely Town
9 Brain Surgeon
10 Just About To Lose It
11 Patrik
12 Shade Tree Mechanic
13 Self Help Books
14 Fishing Song
15 Worst Thing You Can Do (For A Living)
16 Ron Goes To The Faust
17 Makin' Time
18 Christmas Part II
19 Fuckcess
20 Gorilla Meat Cup
21 Haircut
22 Heard This Before
23 Liquor Store
24 Joe Part II
25 Lobotomy (Vacation From My Mind)
26 Candy Girl
27 XMas Trees / Marital Aids
28 Some Kind Of Superman
29 Colour My World With Shit
30 Whole Lotta Love
BABY ASTRONAUTS- All The Pancakes You Eat. rar
I do own an original copy of this album. The cover sleeve does appear to be an original painting with the poly oversleeve having a sticker with the name BABY ASTRONAUTS and All the pancakes you can eat.
The back has a sticker with the track listing and in the lower right hand corner of the sleeve is a handwritten number, 249.
I've got #467! Purchased at Drastic Plastic in Omaha, Nebraska.
I love this band. Got the album as a promo to review back in the day. The cover concept was fantastic - each one unique. The whole production had such a goos vibe. I wish they had continued.
I’ve got #718! I just found this in a pile of records I had collected from various bins that I just Integrated into my collection and I threw it on out of curiosity. I LOVE THIS ALBUM. I can tell this is going to be a hidden gem that I continue to spin relentlessly for a while. I can’t find anything about this band!
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