Make that the word of the day..."High". This isn't a reflection of my state of mind or my IQ, but today at work I noticed that during the course of the day I played these three songs and I thought duh, what a coincidence they all have "high" in the title...pretty stupid eh?
Anyways, the Song Of the Day will hopefully be a regular spot on this blog, it will feature one or more songs, depending on how I feel that day. There might be a theme, dedication or maybe just a random rare song I thought should be heard. Requests and ideas are always welcome and as usual I'm not reliable for posting consistently, so please be patient.
WILCO- I Must Be High ("The Riviera", Chicago, IL, 02-19-08)
BLAKE BABIES- Baby Gets High ("Knitting Factory", Hollywood, CA, 6-16-01)
YOUNG FRESH FELLOWS- High Time ("Here Ain't The Sonics" Tribute to the Sonics, 1989)
1 comment:
Hey Binky
Good to see you posting again.
As soon as I saw the word 'high' I thought of the tune on the Grateful Dead's 'Working Man's Dead' album called 'High Time'.
btw... I am looking forward to seeing you and yours on Friday. I haven't figured out what is for supper yet.
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