Since I've been kind of stuck in the 80's lately, here's a gem for all you Dead Milkmen fans. There must be still some interest in the Dead Milkmen because I've noticed people are still downloading my blog post from February 2009, when I posted one of their early pre-Big Lizard tapes, Funky Farm. All these tapes are hard to find, but with the wonders of the internet they can be tracked down and spread to the masses. Their early stuff is so worth a listen, because even the early versions and unreleased songs are so much better than their later albums. For my taste, the band hit a creative peak with Beelzebubba and rightfully they don't perform a lot of material from their Hollywood Records period (Soul Rotation and Not Richard, But Dick), as they seemed to run out of ideas and a sense of humour.
Death Rides A Pale Horse was one of those self-released tapes the band distributed in 1984. Don't confuse this with their compilation "best of" CD (The Ultimate Collection Album) released by Restless in 1997 with the same title. This recording is very low-fi and low budget, so don't expect a clear crisp sounding mp3, this tape was probably meant to be sold at shows for friends and fans. Death Rides is notable for an early version of their classic, Bitchin Camero as well as a couple songs from their first two proper albums. I noticed the song Labor Day is on this tape again as well as on two more of their self-released cassettes, which means they must have thought highly of the song, but it never made it on any of their official albums...hmmm...did Jerry Lewis threaten to sue or what? Have a listen!
Death Rides A Pale Horse
Self released cassette (1984)
- Labor Day
- I Don’t Wanna, I Don’t Wanna
- Veterans Of A Fucked Up World
- Bitchin’ Camaro
- Plumb Dumb
- Laundromat Song
- Land Of The Shakers
- Dance With Me
- Rastabilly
- I Hate Myself
- Ich Bin Ein Junkie, Was?
- Beach Party Vietnam
- Milkmen Stomp
Thank you! I love this band and this album.
Thanks for posting this and "Funky Farm." I knew they had some self-released tapes early in their career, but I've never come across any of them before. I'm listening to "FF" right now and loving it. It's a great end to an otherwise miserable day, so the download is much appreciated.
happy holidays & thank you for terrific tunes
Thanx for the album. Hope i can find punx and sxin bands albums on your blog.
Muchas gracias.
Saludos desde Monte Grande, Argentina!
dude this is the 3rd time in 2 days that i’ve run into your page by searching for music! I don’t think I have a choice but to go through your entire backlog now!
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